
· 241 words · 2 minute read

Stay focused.

In organisational dynamics so much different priorities comming in every week or so. It is really hard to be bored with all constant changes to policies, new requirements and projects that needs to be get done. All that has conflicting priorities and efficiently navigating those priorities are critical to achive meaningful results.

There are many general recommendations and materials on how to stay focused. One can learn all those practices and still very often can get carried away with something exciting or simply think that urgent is important, which is not always the case. Takes time to build those new neural pathways to recognise right priorities to be on the course. Start simply with one tool.

Schedule your priorities insted of prioritising your schedule.


Focusing on the right priorities is one of the 7 habits discussed in “The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People”.

Next would be self-management in the sense of having to-do list.
Which many people do have this days on their smartphones.
I can argue they are effective because there is no way to see what is important and urgent.
Instead, I recommend to use boards for self-management.
YES, boards! Sounds as overkill for some or nerdy.
This is actually common sense because we do prioritise in our heads all the time.
Reflecting on board helps to think through and see a full picture.
There are many benefits of having board instead of simple to-do list.